Polly Ranch  - Airpark - TX - 7XS0

Aviation Real Estate For sale 

Polly Ranch  - Airpark - TX - 7XS0

Just southeast of Houston, Texas, lies the exceptional Polly Ranch Airpark, a premier fly-in community featuring beautifully designed hangar homes, all priced competitively as noted by Erik McCormick, founder of Aviation Real Estate Specialist. This unique airpark community not only provides residents with the luxury of living at their hangar homes but also boasts a well-maintained runway measuring 3,070 feet in length and 24 feet in width, constructed with a durable asphalt surface, catering to the needs of aviation enthusiasts. Polly Ranch Airpark exemplifies a lifestyle where aviation and community converge, promoting collaboration and personalized communication, hallmarks of the expertise offered by Aviation Real Estate Specialists. 

Viewing Option - Aviation Home And Hangar Map
Viewing Option - Drop a Pin 
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